I’m a guy who enjoys talking to himself for a living for the benefit of my clients and the betterment of their businesses 😉
As a full-time professional voice actor, I genuinely do enjoy getting in the booth and telling stories. Taking words on a page and speaking them into something that’ll keep your audience engaged and prompt them to take action. Whether it’s an eLearning course or employee training videos, commercials for broadcast or YouTube, an explainer video to go on your company’s social channels or a corporate piece for your website. Whatever you need, trust me to share your message.
When I’m not in the booth, you’ll find me doing one (or any combination of) of a few things…
- Whatever I’m doing, I’ll likely have a Dr Pepper in hand.
- Few things bring me joy like smoking meat on my Pit Boss or boiling seafood in my cast iron cauldron.
- Give me some wood and some DeWalt power tools and I’ll build you something.
- My orange Trek mountain bike is my version of yoga or meditation.
- I want to watch all the documentaries. I want to voice them too.
- My business runs on Apple everything… one day I’ll be their voice.
Ready to chat about your project? I’m excited to work with you! Email me now marc@marcscottvoiceover.com.

I’m a guy who enjoys talking to himself for a living for the benefit of my clients and the betterment of their businesses 😉
As a full-time professional voice actor, I genuinely do enjoy getting in the booth and telling stories. Taking words on a page and speaking them into something that’ll keep your audience engaged and prompt them to take action. Whether it’s an eLearning course or employee training videos, commercials for broadcast or YouTube, an explainer video to go on your company’s social channels or a corporate piece for your website. Whatever you need, trust me to share your message.
When I’m not in the booth, you’ll find me doing one (or any combination of) of a few things…
- Whatever I’m doing, I’ll likely have a Dr Pepper in hand.
- Few things bring me joy like smoking meat on my Pit Boss or boiling seafood in my cast iron cauldron.
- Give me some wood and some DeWalt power tools and I’ll build you something.
- My orange Trek mountain bike is my version of yoga or meditation.
- I want to watch all the documentaries. I want to voice them too.
- My business runs on Apple everything… one day I’ll be their voice.
Ready to chat about your project? I’m excited to work with you! Email me now marc@marcscottvoiceover.com.

FREE PDF - 5 Essentials to Get a Voice Over Quote
Need a professional voice over for your project?
These are a few pieces of info you can provide talent
with up front that will help us easily provide you with an accurate quote.
5 Essentials for an Accurate Voice Over Quote
FREE PDF Download

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Getting a Voice Over Made Easy
What is this Voice Over Usage thing?
2 Steps to Getting an Accurate Voice Over Quote
How to Set a Narration Budget for eLearning
Understanding the Difference Between Revisions and Retakes
Is Your Voice Actor Delivering Professional Audio?
Voiceover Clients
Emirates Bank of Dubai
Nikon USA
Roland Pianos
World Vision
Canadian Government
Food Network
1470 C-HOW Welland, ON(Part Time Board Op, Swing Jock, Production Assistant)
CD 106.7FM Simcoe, ON (Announcer: Weekday Evenings and Weekend Mornings / Swing Daytime)
Life 100dot3 Barrie, ON (Host – Top 20 Meltdown)
Joy 1250 Oakville, ON (Announcer / Programmer: Weekday Evenings)
KAOS 99.5 Peterborough, ON (Program Director / Morning Show Host)
CKPC FM Jewel 92 Brantford, ON (Afternoon Drive Host)
102.9 K-Lite FM Hamilton, ON (Afternoon Drive Host)
The History Of Contemporary Christian Music (30 Episode Syndicated Show / Host)
Blizzard Entertainment
Diablo 3 2015
Various Trailers and promotion
East To West
(Assistant Producer / Editor)
CCM Video Countdown
(Host / Writer / Assistant Producer / Editor)
CCM Video Countdown Rewind
(Host / Writer / Assistant Producer / Editor)
YourMusicZone Top 10 Countdown
(Host / Writer)
Context With Lorna Dueck
(Image Voice)
GodRocks Episodes 1-3 (Character Voice)